Glyph ( ♃ )

Ruler of Sagittarius (co-rules Pisces)
Exalted in Cancer
Detriment in Gemini and Virgo
Fall in Capricorn

Time Spent in a Sign: Approximately 1 year

Mythology behind Jupiter
In Roman Mythology, Jupiter was of great importance because not only was he God of Sky and Thunder, but he was the King of Gods. In Greek Mythology, the equivalent of Jupiter was Zeus; King of Gods. Jupiter was the supreme and he was wise as well. It’s no wonder this ginormous planet is the ruler of Sagittarius and co-ruler of Pisces. He was the personification of divine authority. In a way, he can teach us to lead in a spiritual way because not everything is about power. Come to think of it, it was both Jupiter in Roman mythology and Zeus in Greek mythology that overthrew their own fathers: Saturn/Cronus because they believed they overused their powers.

Jupiter in Astrology
To indulge, to expand and to be free is what Jupiter is about. It seems like it is eternal happiness, as well as all your problems being erased with this planet. But we must understand the Jupiter is also a karmic planet. What goes around will definitely come back around. Jupiter is the acceptance of the law of karma. Sure we get lucky in this area of our life, wherever Jupiter is placed that is, but we mustn’t overindulge. Instead we should be wise with the kind of power we hold and be aware of when and how we should use it. Good fortune is associated with Jupiter. On that note, Jupiter wants to see us grow positively and spiritually. So how do we attract good fortune and prosper based on our Jupiter sign?

Jupiter in Aries
In order for a Jupiter in Aries person to attract good karma into their life, they must be self-aware. Once these people learn to accept themselves for who they are and inspire others to do the same, they’ll attract good fortune and opportunities.

Jupiter in Taurus
In order for a Jupiter in Taurus person to attract good karma into their life, they must learn to appreciate the little, simple things in life. Once these people learn to become generous and appreciate all they have (food, shelter, clothes, etc), they’ll attract good fortune.

Jupiter in Gemini
Jupiter is detriment in Gemini. In order for a Jupiter in Gemini person to attract good karma into their life, they must put their social skills and intelligence to use. Once they start to enlighten others, grow unafraid of sharing ideas, making others laugh and feel socially accepted, they’ll attract good fortune.

Jupiter in Cancer
Jupiter is exalted in Cancer. In order for a Jupiter in Cancer person to attract good karma into their life, they must learn to sympathize with others. They have the gift of nurturing other people and also being emotionally understanding. Others will greatly value this about them and the Jupiter in Cancer person will attract good fortune.

Jupiter in Leo
In order for Jupiter in Leo to attract good karma, they must learn to believe in themselves and spread this aura of confidence around. They are proud people and everyone seems to be attracted to their energy. Once they become generous towards others and help boost the self esteem of others, is when they’ll attract good fortune.

Jupiter in Virgo
In order for a Jupiter in Virgo person to attract good karma in their lives, they must learn to help others and provide service. Once they realize their ability to heal others and how they can provide stability for others as well, is when they’ll attract good fortune.

Jupiter in Libra
In order for a Jupiter in Libra person to attract good karma in their lives, they must learn to be fair and diplomatic. Once they learn how to treat others fairly, become generous and accepting with others is when they’ll attract good fortune.

Jupiter in Scorpio
In order for a Jupiter in Scorpio person to attract good karma in their lives, they must learn to teach others how to dive deep. Once they learn how to use their tenacity and passion into doing things and teach others to do the same as well and to not be afraid to give your all, is when they’ll attract good fortune.

Jupiter in Sagittarius
Jupiter is domicile in Sagittarius. In order for a Jupiter in Sagittarius person to attract good karma in their lives, they must learn how to share their optimism and wisdom with others. Once they realize how to teach others how to be free-spirited, learn to laugh at themselves and remain open-minded, is when they’ll attract good fortune.

Jupiter in Capricorn
Jupiter is in fall in Capricorn. In order for a Jupiter in Capricorn person to attract good karma in their lives, they must learn how to direct and lead with maturity. Once they learn how to help others in “step-by-step” directions and to teach others how to be mature, patient and structured, is when they’ll attract good fortune.

Jupiter in Aquarius 
In order for a Jupiter in Aquarius person to attract good karma in their lives, they must learn how to be humanitarian and accept others. Once they teach others how to be open-minded, accepting, innovative and original, is when they’ll attract good fortune.

Jupiter in Pisces
In order for a Jupiter in Pisces person to attract good karma in their lives, they must learn how to spiritually heal others. Once they learn how to be compassionate, understanding and charitable with others, is when they’ll attract good fortune.

Jupiter in the Fire signs
People with their Jupiter in a Fire sign (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) have astounding self awareness. They have the grand ability of encouraging and empowering others with a strong sense of self. The Fire sign Jupiters are bursting with enthusiasm in a social setting and they can help people find their own light.

Jupiter in the Earth signs
People with their Jupiter in an Earth sign (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) must find a way to balance themselves as a person and help others find stability as well. They engage all their senses into whatever they do. They have the ability to guide others in a strategic and “step-by-step” way. The Earth sign Jupiters think before they do something, but nonetheless they are “doers” and they can help others visualize and achieve their long-term goals.

Jupiter in the Air signs
People with their Jupiter in an Air sign (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) often do best in social settings where they are able to exchange ideas with others. They have great social skills and if they really use it, they’ll realize how great they are with people and how their presence is appreciated. People with an Air sign Jupiter have a lot to offer and they always light up a situation.

Jupiter in the Water signs
People with their Jupiter in a Water sign (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) have a strong ability to heal others on a deeper level. Once they learn how to accept their emotions and work with them is when they will start to see good fortune come their way. Someone with their Jupiter in a Water sign is usually the most spiritually inclined of all the Jupiter signs. Since they are not afraid to dive so deep.
