Glyph ( ☉ )

Ruler of Leo
Exalted in Aries
Detriment in Aquarius
Fall in Libra

Time Spent in a Sign: A month (about 30 days)

Mythology behind the Sun
There are countless of versions of how the Sun came to be in astrology, but most commonly known and told is that of the Greeks. Helios, seen as the Sun God, would ride on a golden chariot across the sunset making his way home everyday. He is often associated with Apollo. Apollo is not only God of Music, but also God of Sun and Light (and many more).

The Sun in Astrology
The only way we identify ourselves, normally, is through our Star sign aka our Sun sign. It’s who we are when we are first getting to know someone since it’s our most basic personality. It’s purely our sense of self. On a deeper level, some argue that the Sun sign is your life purpose. This makes sense since our Sun sign is who we are at our very best. But in order to become our “very best”, we must accept ourselves for who we are and work with that. Trying to be someone you are not only confuses your life’s purpose and you are not staying true to yourself. You are not showing your Sun sign at its best, but only a reflection of what you want it to be.

Sun in Aries
The Sun is exalted in Aries. At their best, Arians are self-aware and they strongly project their own personalities. At their worst, they can be selfish and aggressive.

Sun in Taurus
At their best, Taurus’ are reliable, patient and firmly hold their ground no matter what. At their worst, they can be materialistic, lazy and quick to anger.

Sun in Gemini
At their best, Gemini’s are intelligent, social and capable of handling multiple tasks at once. At their worst, they can be liars and massive manipulators.

Sun in Cancer
At their best, Cancer’s are protective, nurturing and self-aware (especially of their emotions). At their worst, they can be prone to terrible mood swings and being somewhat of a guilt-tripper.

Sun in Leo
The Sun is domicile in Leo. At their best, Leo’s are confident, proud and they teach others how to be as self-aware as they are. At their worst, they can be bullies, dominating and overly dramatic.

Sun in Virgo
At their best, Virgo’s are intelligent, resourceful and willing to lend a helping hand. At their worst, they can be overly critical, highly judgmental and insecure yet believing they are the “perfect human”.

Sun in Libra
The Sun is in fall in Libra. At their best, Libra’s are considerate, fair and have a strong sense of justice. At their worst, they can be critical and may not have a voice or be stepped on constantly by others.

Sun in Scorpio
At their best, Scorpio’s are observant, intuitive and capable of exploring human depth. At their worst, they can be manipulative, obsessive and might have a stalker tendency.

Sun in Sagittarius
At their best, Sagittarius’ are optimistic, philosophical and able to overcome many obstacles. At their worst, they can be arrogant, insensitive and exaggerating their personality traits as superior to others.

Sun in Capricorn
At their best, Capricorn’s are driven, prideful and always striving for better. At their worst, they can be inconsiderate of others, bossy and demanding.

Sun in Aquarius
The Sun is in detriment in Aquarius. At their best, Aquarians are humanitarians, innovative and genius. At their worst, they can be aloof and careless towards others including their loved ones.

Sun in Pisces
At their best, Pisces’ are selfless, creative and adaptable. At their worst, they can be psychologically manipulative and may not be self-aware at all, taking on the personality and opinions of others.

Sun in Fire signs
People with their Sun in a Fire sign (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) have the potential to be larger than life and that’s what they aim to be. They are usually highly self-aware and lean more towards the optimistic side. People with a Fire sign Sun are enthusiastic, bold and in-your-face. Their presence is strong and commanding, almost impossible to miss. Be careful of burning over because sometimes your fiery energy is too much to handle, even for you!

Sun in Earth signs
People with their Sun in an Earth sign (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are wise beyond their years and grounded to the core. These people are unshakable, but their presence is ground-breaking. They look cold in the face, but they always mean well and no harm. They are exceptionally hard workers and they are the money-makers of the Zodiac signs. Earth Sun signs are sensual and they value the little things in life, but are determined to make an empire out of it for them and their loved ones. Be careful of getting lost in your work and learn to let loose and unwind!

Sun in Air signs
People with their Sun in an Air sign (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) are the masterminds behind the operation, they are the ones who hold everything and everyone together. Charming and full of social grace are the Air Sun signs. They are light hearted and kind of float their way through life with no direction on where to go. They often enjoy it this way, since they are capable of adapting quickly to their environment. They go about their life obtaining knowledge in any way they possibly can. Be careful of not losing your own voice and opinion in others!

Sun in Water signs
People with their Sun in a Water sign (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) have heightened emotional awareness of themselves and of others. They are capable of getting lost in their own thoughts, hiding in their subconscious. The Water Sun signs possess a lot of creativity and imagination. Their hearts are usually on their sleeves no matter how hard they try to mask these emotions. They are the ones who heal people and bind us all together. They are the ones who are submerged into their surroundings and observing the world behind the scenes. But through all this raw power that the Water Sun signs expose: comes great personal strength. Be careful of getting too overwhelmed because of how deep your heart goes and how sensitive you are to your surroundings!
