Glyph ( ♆ )

Ruler of Pisces
Exalted in N/A
Detriment in Virgo
Fall in N/A

Time Spent in a Sign: About 10-14 years

Mythology behind Neptune
Most commonly associated with Poseidon is the planet Neptune. Poseidon is God of the Sea in Greek Mythology and his Roman equivalent is Neptune who is also God of the Sea. After birth, Poseidon was swallowed by his father Cronus and wasn’t released until Zeus came and overthrew their father. During the War of the Titans, it was the Cyclops that gifted Poseidon his trident, a symbol now for Neptune, to defeat the elder Gods. After the fall of the Titans, Poseidon won the sea as his domain.

Neptune in Astrology
Not everything is what it seems to be with Neptune. Neptune is the Planet of Illusion and it is difficult to get a grasp on it or wherever this planet is placed in your chart. Neptune is also associated with mysticism and spirituality. This planet gets a bad rep because nobody likes being deceived and everyone wants to remain conscious and aware of what’s happening around them. Do we or do we not? But what people fail to realize is that Neptune goes deeper than that, it makes us fall into delusion eventually resulting in heightened awareness. Neptune has absolutely no boundaries and it makes one selfless and vulnerable because it rises above the ego.

Neptune in Aries
People with their Neptune in Aries are the types to glorify battles and they aren’t afraid of fighting for what they believe is important or considered sacred. They have a lot of energy and can put all that energy into their dreams or imaginations becoming reality.

Neptune in Taurus
People with their Neptune in Taurus may find it difficult to explain or express their personal possessions, but nonetheless they are stuck to them. They may be the types to fantasize over romance or money.

Neptune in Gemini
People with their Neptune in Gemini have a beautiful way with words if they can just find them. Often times, they may struggle communicating their thoughts.

Neptune in Cancer
People with their Neptune in Cancer have powerful imaginations and their heart lies within their home, family and/or friends. They may sacrifice a lot for their loved ones.

Neptune in Leo
People with their Neptune in Leo are creative, to say the least. They have a world full of imagination, comedies and have a lot of love to give to the world. They are bursting with creativity, confidence and generosity.

Neptune in Virgo
Neptune is detriment in Virgo. People with their Neptune in Virgo can be sensitive to the problems of others and willing to lend a helping hand. However, they can go back and forth with being idealistic and being realistic and grounded.

Neptune in Libra
People with their Neptune in Libra are by far one of the most vulnerable generations and may not be self-aware at all, possibly lacking confidence or an inability to voice opinions. But they are the kindest and most compassionate of all.

Neptune in Scorpio
People with their Neptune in Scorpio have heightened emotional intensity. These people really dig deep to uncover whatever they wish to uncover. They are most likely the type to have a 6th sense since they are extremely perceptive.

Neptune in Sagittarius 
People with their Neptune in Sagittarius are the types to dream of a better world where humans are free to be themselves. They dream of freedom; the natural human desire. They can also be extremely tolerant people.

Neptune in Capricorn
People with their Neptune in Capricorn dream about being successful and powerful, they yearn for some kind of status. The problem is that they can either doubt their potential or may believe there are too many obstacles in their way.

Neptune in Aquarius
People with their Neptune in Aquarius may dream about being independent, free to do what they want to do and be who they want to be. The generation of Neptune in Aquarius seems “weird” and “unconventional” to other generations.

Neptune in Pisces
Neptune is domicile in Pisces. People with their Neptune in Pisces will shape society in a selfless manner, to teach everyone else to be accepting and loving of everyone. To not see with the eyes, but instead the heart.

Important Notice
Because Neptune is somewhat of a recently discovered planet, there is still debate on what sign Neptune is exalted in. Others argue Cancer or Leo as the sign Neptune is exalted in, whereas others argue that Neptune cannot be exalted in any sign.

Neptune in Fire signs
The generations of Neptune in a Fire sign (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) have proven that you must act on the change you want to see and nothing is simple to achieve. Usually, the generations of Neptune in Fire signs experience wars or any other form of battle during their teen or adult years that impact the world heavily. They could aspire to live in a world thats free of violence and where they are free to roam around, create and do as they please. A world with no rules.

Neptune in Aries
American Civil War & First Transcontinental Railroad
Neptune in Leo
World War II & Golden Age of Hollywood
Neptune in Sagittarius
Gulf War & Chernobyl Disaster

Neptune in Earth signs
The generations of Neptune in an Earth sign (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) have proven that you never know the worth of something until its gone. These generations tend to go through tough situations concerning money, work and power. Through this, they aspire to make things right and may want to live in a financially stable world with an abundance of resources, but also believe its out of reach. They want nothing but to live in a safe, stable and secure world.

Neptune in Taurus
World War I & The Panama Canal
Neptune in Virgo
Cold War & The First Computer
Neptune in Capricorn
Great Recession & The War on Terror

Neptune in Air signs
The generations of Neptune in an Air sign (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) have shown that no rule or law in the land can restrict you from expressing yourself. Usually, they grow up witnessing or taking part in radical social movements that obviously go against traditional values/beliefs and social norms. The generation of Neptune in Air signs wish for nothing but peace and acceptance for all. In a world free to express themselves with nothing holding them back.

Neptune in Gemini
The Roaring Twenties & The Women’s Rights Movement
Neptune in Libra
Civil Rights Movement & Space Race
Neptune in Aquarius
LGBTQ Rights & Black Lives Matter Movement

Neptune in Water signs
The generations of Neptune in a Water sign (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) have proven that in times of crisis you hold your loved ones close and break down barriers together. Usually, these generations show us how to dig deeper within ourselves, to do some self-discovery and transformation. They wish to find a home within themselves if they cannot build a secure relationship with their loved ones and also to feel comfortable in their own skin.

Neptune in Cancer
The Great Depression & The Dust Bowl
Neptune in Scorpio
Sexual Revolution & The Fall of the Berlin Wall
Neptune in Pisces

Important Notice
Upon research and analysis, during the young teenage-young adult years is when the generation of Neptune starts to really awaken. Since Neptune is known to cause delusion, it is extremely possible that the generation of Neptune was not aware of what was happening around them at such an early age. It isn’t until they start to get older that they see all these unfair or unjust things happening around them that they start to take part in it or be sucked into it. The generation awakens. Uranus is the generation fighting and rebelling  for the change they want to see. It is the generation of Neptune that just craves peace in the end.
