Chiron in Aries
Having Chiron in Aries means that the wounds are in the identity. You may not notice it with them because they are quick to bounce back and move forward. Chiron in Aries usually makes someone have low self esteem or feel as though they are worthless.Chiron in Taurus
Having Chiron in Taurus means that these people take longer to heal. Progress is slow with them and they stay in tough situations longer than normal. Chiron in Taurus natives feel like they did not get enough of the basic necessities and had (or even have) no stability or security.
Chiron in Gemini
Having Chiron in Gemini means that these people have trouble speaking their mind or voicing their opinions. The wound is in their ability to communicate or process things.
Chiron in Cancer
With Chiron in Cancer, the wound is in the home or even family. Chiron in Cancer seems to live in the past and thus takes incredibly long to heal past these wounds. The healing process is longer since it’s felt in the soul.
Chiron in Leo
With Chiron in Leo, we see struggles with confidence and expression of the self. The wound is in the ego and with this Chiron sign we see that they can be ones to openly talk about their traumas. Chiron in Leo may feel as though they didn’t get their time to shine and were restricted or blocked in doing so.
Chiron in Virgo
Chiron in Virgo is tricky because they can make themselves believe that they can never heal from their wounds. That they will spend their lives everyday living though these traumas to the point they beat themselves up about it. Usually, Chiron in Virgo has health related traumas throughout their life.
Chiron in Libra
With Chiron in Libra, the wounds are in their relationships with other people. They may have gotten hurt more than once and the result was something life-changing. They can start to feel, or even believe, that all their relationships fail completely.
Chiron in Scorpio
Having Chiron in Scorpio means that the traumas endured have affected them intensely, almost in a transformative way. They may hide these traumatic experiences from everyone. Abuse is a common association or theme with Chiron in Scorpio.
Chiron in Sagittarius
Having Chiron in Sagittarius means that the wounds reach far beyond the surface. There can be feelings of being destined for greatness, but coming up short or not being great enough. Chiron in Sagittarius can feel like a huge spiritual or even existential crisis throughout their life.
Chiron in Capricorn
With Chiron in Capricorn, it feels as though the wound is also in the ego and they need to prove themselves to others. Chiron in Capricorn may feel like they put in work and get little to no recognition.
Chiron in Aquarius
Chiron in Aquarius can have lots of difficulties concerning friendships or even large crowds. They may feel as though they are an outcast or simply don’t belong in certain groups. Chiron in Aquarius can also make the native believe that their goals or dreams are unachievable.
Chiron in Pisces
With Chiron in Pisces, the wounds are deep and consuming. We can see that events happening around them affect them personally even if it is not directed towards them at all. They feel universal pain and so by this they are heavily affected by the pain and suffering of others deeply.
Important Notice
It is always important to also check what aspects Chiron makes to whatever planet, point or even what House it’s in. Wherever Chiron is in your chart is where our deepest wounds stem from, but remember that through this you can learn how to help others out by what you’ve been through and experienced.
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