Retrograde in Astrology

A retrograde in astrology is when a planet appears to be moving backwards. No planet really moves backwards, it’s simply an illusion in the sky from our point of view on Earth. When a planet does go retrograde, however, it’s energies are turned inward. This means that the energy of whichever planet that is going retrograde will be felt more personally and internally. People who were already born when a planet was in retrograde might feel the effects of the same planet going in retrograde less.

Mercury Retrograde
Mercury is the only planet that goes retrograde quite often. It is the most talked about planet when it does go retrograde and it’s no wonder, Mercury rules communication on a day-to-day basis. It is strongly felt.

Use this as a time to carefully reflect about your decisions. Think carefully is the motto with this planetary retrograde. Analyze certain areas in your life that you believe need work and get to working on ways to improve it. Take a breather and relax. Use this as a time to sit back and observe, do not act nor speak so impulsively. 
You should expect past relationships to pop up, but do not try to start anything either. You may start to feel more argumentative and may notice that in other people as well. There can be a lot of traveling delays as well. Your electronics could malfunction during this time too, basically any form of communication.

Venus Retrograde
Venus goes retrograde about every 18 months. It is the planet of love, money and all kinds of relationships so it’s affects are really personal. These areas of our life that Venus rules are sensitive because they are so personal and can make or break you. Venus retrograde is wrathful and not pretty.

Use this as a time to reflect about how your finances are and especially your relationships with others. Not all that glitters is gold, and things can become ugly during this retrograde. So be careful, observe and think about where you stand at this point in your life with others and your own values as well. Step back and appreciate all that you have.
Do not make any dramatic purchases or changes during this time because they can be impulsive urges. Watch what you are eating too because you can have unhealthy cravings. Avoid starting any new relationships as well because there could be a high chance sparks will die off once Venus goes direct. Old relationships can pop up, friends may start acting shady or deceitful and you can start to feel unlike yourself as well.

Mars Retrograde
Mars goes retrograde about every 2 years. Since Mars is the planet of action, during a Mars retrograde we learn that our actions indeed do have consequences. Expect the energy to be drained when Mars goes retrograde and maybe bursts of anger as well.

Use this as a time to really think about your actions. If you want, you can find some time to relax and take a break from everything. Fight your impulses and take precaution.
Do not jump into things without thinking first. In other words: do not act on impulse. You might notice that people become accident prone during the retrograde and there can be a rise in accidents. 

Important Fact
The Sun and the Moon do not go retrograde.

Jupiter Retrograde
Not many are familiar with a Jupiter retrograde since it doesn’t occur as often as the infamous Mercury retrograde does. But Jupiter stays retrograde for much, much longer (about 120 days). Jupiter represents wisdom, luck, higher learning, optimism and expansion.

Seek your inner wisdom during this time. This is a perfect time to really think about the decisions you’re going to make that lead you towards success. Remember to remain humble as luck could be approaching you often during this time.
Some may not feel optimistic at all and some may. Do not overindulge or push your luck too far. Life-changing or even life-ending events can happen during this planetary retrograde. Don’t push yourself way too far and do not go over your limits.

Saturn Retrograde
Saturn stays retrograde for a longer period of time. Unlike faster moving planets, slower moving planets like Saturn can help us step back and see things clearly. Saturn is the Planet of Karma so you will face a lot of realizations that you may have ignored in the past. Anything can come back to you and Saturn will make sure of that.

Take a look back at all the failures you’ve experienced and all of the let-downs you’ve been through. Learn from it and grow from it. Come face to face with your fears during this time. Work on whatever you believe is holding you back. Face your fears and learn to accept life for what it is.
Do not ignore the reality you’ve been faced with. Learn to take responsibility for yourself! Avoid starting any new business projects or continuing something else. This is a time to analyze and reassess so use it wisely.

Uranus Retrograde
Uranus stays retrograde for about 5 months, but it’s effects are strongly felt. You should expect the unexpected during a Uranus retrograde. You may start to feel like you want to risk it all and become rebellious. Life-changing things can happen during this time.

Free yourself and learn to accept change. This is a time for new beginnings that seem to appear out of nowhere. Expect yourself to go through some changes as well whether it be communicating or even in your personality. Your way of thought and perceiving things can change, so use it for the best.
You might feel like the world is out to get you. You may feel isolated and alone during this time. You could feel like you are far different from anyone else.

Neptune Retrograde
Things aren’t always what they seem when Neptune goes retrograde. During this time, the truth begins to surface, but deception follows. The fog begins to surface to the ground during this retrograde.

During this time, you should dig deep. Your dreams become larger than life and you should follow them and listen to your intuition. Strongly listen to your intuition during this time. 
Remember to keep a good, realistic view. Keep in mind that things aren’t what they seem during this time so avoid confusion and drifting out of reality.

Pluto Retrograde
Pluto retrograde means constant wrestling with inner conflicts. It is important to trust your instincts during this time because they never lie and you know what’s best for yourself. Be prepared to get rid of the old and ring in the new.

Trust your instincts during this time. Not everyone is out to get you and most importantly you have to trust yourself. Learn how to forgive yourself and others as well because through this you will find peace and resolution.
Avoid convincing yourself that everyone is bad news. Avoid holding grudges and learn to let go. You’re going to be faced with your own realities during this time and you shouldn’t turn your back on yourself.
