Glyph ( ♄ )

Ruler of Capricorn (co-rules Aquarius)
Exalted in Libra
Detriment in Cancer and Leo
Fall in Aries

Time Spent in a Sign: 2 ½ years (almost 3)

Mythology behind Saturn
In Roman mythology, it was Saturn, the God of Time, who was seen as the evil, brute father figure. Cronus is the Greek equivalent of Saturn, however, Saturn wasn’t as “dominating” as Cronus was painted out to be. In fact, the Romans saw Saturn as a wholly Roman God. But both Saturn and Cronus were overthrown by their sons; Jupiter, Saturn’s son & Zeus, Cronus’ son. Why? Because their sons saw Saturn/Cronus as abusive of their power and decided to put a limit or end to it.

Saturn in Astrology
The notorious Saturn is always being shown in a bad light. But why? Well, Saturn is mainly about discipline, restriction and limitations. It does sound harsh because while Jupiter expands and brings luck, Saturn restricts and provides lessons. But, do not fight Saturn! Saturn brings us an abundance of knowledge, appreciation, discipline and respect in our lives. One must go through difficult times and struggle in order to truly live. Saturn teaches us all about setting boundaries for ourselves and learning self-control. Saturn is also representative of fears and authoritative figures in one’s life. So what does Saturn placed in a sign mean?

Saturn in Aries
Saturn is in fall in Aries. With Saturn in Aries, we find that these people could have had trouble asserting themselves. People with their Saturn in Aries may struggle finding their sense of self at first, but hopefully will develop confidence in the end. Recognize your value, Saturn in Aries.

Saturn in Taurus
With Saturn in Taurus, financial crisis’ seems to be a common theme. People with their Saturn in Taurus can struggle finding jobs or grew up surrounded by terrible financial situations or in them, but nonetheless money and stability is of importance to them. Seize the opportunity, Saturn in Taurus.

Saturn in Gemini
With Saturn in Gemini, intelligence seems to be of importance, but highly doubted as well. People with their Saturn in Gemini can fear being seen as “dumb” or they can struggle communicating their ideas with others. Share your knowledge, Saturn in Gemini.

Saturn in Cancer
Saturn is detriment in Cancer. With Saturn in Cancer, family and home seems to be the theme. People with their Saturn in Cancer can have a lot of ups and downs in their family environment as a whole and everything seems to stem from there. Learn from others mistakes, Saturn in Cancer.

Saturn in Leo
With Saturn in Leo, there seems to be a struggle with displaying exuberant emotions. People with their Saturn in Leo may struggle having a good time, seeing the positive in others or can see their friendships, relationships, even sex life fall to tragedy. There’s light at the end of the tunnel, Saturn in Leo.

Saturn in Virgo
With Saturn in Virgo, there can be a tendency to hypochondria or simply falling ill pretty easily. People with their Saturn in Virgo can see problems always stemming from a health related issue, but these people are usually helpful and provide great service and management. All is not well, but it will end well, Saturn in Virgo.

Saturn in Libra
Saturn is exalted in Libra. With Saturn in Libra, we see problems stem from friendships and relationships. People with their Saturn in Libra could go through tough friendships and relationships, but through this they learn valuable lessons that they can teach to others. Find your worth, Saturn in Libra.

Saturn in Scorpio
With Saturn in Scorpio, control and finances seem to be a common theme. People with their Saturn in Scorpio might have struggled with controlling issues and may have been controlled or wanted to control every aspect of their life. There could have been major financial struggles as well. Learn to let go, Saturn in Scorpio.

Saturn in Sagittarius
With Saturn in Sagittarius, religion and spirituality seem to be the root of a lot of problems. People with Saturn in Sagittarius could have been controlled by a higher principle or may have felt the strong need to break free and go against religious or spiritual ideals. Find your wings, Saturn in Sagittarius.

Saturn in Capricorn
Saturn is domicile in Capricorn. With Saturn in Capricorn, work and the public image seems to be a common theme. People with their Saturn in Capricorn can be more on the workaholic side and go through many fails in their lives, but nonetheless they do not give up. Count your blessings, Saturn in Capricorn.

Saturn in Aquarius
With Saturn in Aquarius, we can expect there to be problems in the area of friendship. People with their Saturn in Aquarius can feel like their relationships with others, especially friends eventually shatters and causing them to give up towards maintaining them. Also, they may work hard towards their goals/dreams or feel like there is no hope. You just have to believe, Saturn in Aquarius.

Saturn in Pisces
With Saturn in Pisces, there seems to be a lost sense of self. People with their Saturn in Pisces usually don’t set boundaries for the people that enter their life and end up getting hurt by those people in the end. All that glitters is not gold, Saturn in Pisces.

Saturn in Fire signs
People with their Saturn in a Fire sign (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) might have a fear of self-expression and assertion. What we see in people with their Saturn in a Fire sign is that they may hold back from showing their spontaneity and energy. But what Saturn does is help the individual use their energy for good and not for recklessness. People with their Saturn in a Fire sign must learn to not doubt themselves because Saturn isn’t here to restrict them, but to help them step back and realize that their actions indeed do have consequences.

Saturn in Earth signs
People with their Saturn in an Earth sign (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) might have a fear of change and letting go. What we see in those who have Saturn in an Earth sign is that they are too grounded and too hard headed to accept change. These people usually understand the pain of letting go and so they fear experiencing that pain, maybe chaos, all over again. People with their Saturn in an Earth sign must learn to realize that life is ever-changing and nothing stays the same. They must learn to accept transformation all the while still remaining calm, grounded and secure.

Saturn in Air signs
People with their Saturn in an Air sign (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) might have a fear of being made a fool of. What we see with people who have Saturn in an Air sign is that they may be a little awkward and tongue-tied at social settings. Feelings of insecurity, isolation and possibly loneliness can stem from these Saturn signs, but one thing they refuse to be seen as: dumb. People with their Saturn in an Air sign must learn how to think and communicate without thinking so negatively of themselves and to stop doubting themselves because they have so much to offer.

Saturn in Water signs
People with their Saturn in a Water sign (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) might have a fear of showing a raw side of them; usually emotions. What we see with people who have Saturn in a Water sign is that maybe once they were emotional, a little too emotional and were scolded or shut down because of it. They start to hold back from truly expressing themselves or showing empathy or any kind of sentiment. People with their Saturn in a Water sign must learn that showing emotions, being able to really express yourself is completely normal and it frees you.
