Glyph ( ♀)

Ruler of Taurus and Libra
Exalted in Pisces
Detriment in Aries and Scorpio
Fall in Virgo

Time Spent in a Sign: About 2 months (4-5 weeks)

Mythology behind Venus
Sometimes confused as being a star because of how bright it shines in the night sky, Venus has always been associated with beauty. In Greek Mythology, the Goddess of Love and Beauty, went by the name of Aphrodite. Aphrodite is associated with the planet Venus and surprisingly enough, her Roman equivalent is Venus. Aphrodite was seen as a beautiful Goddess making heads turn whenever she walked in, but she also possessed a lot of envy and jealousy. Vain even, is Aphrodite. The dark side of her; femme fatale. And yet, we all have a dark side to our love, because all that glitters is not gold.

Venus in Astrology
All matters of the heart stem from Venus. What we value, what we hold near and dear to our heart, what we find pleasure in, how we love, how we dress, what we find beautiful is all determined by our Venus sign. Not to mention, Venus also represents money! More than anything, your relationships and friendships are all influenced under this planet. We all go about obtaining love or even showing it in different ways. Some are rather bold and direct about their love whereas others are shy and private about it. Each Venus sign goes about love differently. Each Venus sign finds different things beautiful. After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So how does Venus express her love for people and things when it’s placed in a certain sign?

Venus in Aries
Venus is detriment in Aries. Love should be passionate and playful with an Aries Venus. They approach the matters of the heart in a direct and conquering way.

Venus in Taurus
Venus is domicile in Taurus. Love should be a stable and solid bond between two with a Taurus Venus. They approach matters of the heart in a careful and steady way.

Venus in Gemini
Love should be light hearted and humorous with Venus in Gemini. They approach matters of the heart in a comical and playful way.

Venus in Cancer
Love should be an emotional and strong bond between two with Venus in Cancer. They approach matters of the heart in a sentimental and gentle way.

Venus in Leo
Love should be pure happiness and captivating with Venus in Leo. They approach matters of the heart in a generous and confident way.

Venus in Virgo
Venus is in fall in Virgo. Love should be nurturing and grounded with a Virgo Venus. They approach matters of the heart in an intelligent way because they are cautious people.

Venus in Libra
Venus is domicile in Libra. Love should be fair and harmonious with Libra Venus. They approach matters of the heart in a non-judgmental and kindhearted way.

Venus in Scorpio
Venus is detriment in Scorpio. Love should be a strong, intimate bond between two with a Scorpio Venus. They approach matters of the heart in a cautious way because of how guarded and private they are.

Venus in Sagittarius
Love should be full of memories and know no limits with Venus in Sagittarius. They approach matters of the heart in a dominating and playful way.

Venus in Capricorn
Love should be something serious and motivational with Venus in Capricorn. They approach matters of the heart in a realistic and controlled way.

Venus in Aquarius
Love does not see physical features, but instead the beauty from within with Venus in Aquarius. They approach matters of the heart with no judgement and in a unique way.

Venus in Pisces
Venus is exalted in Pisces. Love is unconditional and love is all consuming with Venus in Pisces. They approach matters of the heart in a creative and hopeful way.

Venus in Fire signs
People with their Venus in Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) are passionate, fiery lovers. Love is all-consuming, exciting, fun and exuberant. These Venus signs come alive in a relationship and they are generous with their partner. They want their friends and their partner to feel loved and valued, so they usually become their cheerleader and do nothing but love and support them. The downside to these Venus signs is that they can be too demanding of what they want and their expectations are so high, so high that they don’t even live up to them.
Venus in Earth signs
People with their Venus in Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are loyal, committing and solid lovers. These Venus signs prefer a long-lasting relationship and so they could definitely take time in developing feelings for someone. They approach everything with caution and why wouldn’t they? They’re smart when it comes to relationships and friendships: they choose who will benefit them. The downside to these Venus signs is that they can miss many opportunities because of their constant waiting around and possibly beating around the bush.
Venus in Air signs
People with their Venus in Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) love playfully and romantically. These Venus signs possess a lot of charm and a flirtatious nature that can lure anyone in. They most value a partner (or friend) who can communicate with them anything troubling. Hiding something from them is not ideal and can be a turn off. The downside to them is that they are notorious for being flighty and may not be the type to like being tied down; they value their freedom.
Venus in Water signs
People with their Venus in Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) love wholeheartedly and deeply. People with their Venus in a Water sign are sensitive when it comes to their heart, but they often do attract the wrong people. They want to become one with their partner and will eternally love and care for them no matter the circumstances. The downside of these Venus signs is that if they are not careful, they could get stuck in a bad relationship because they are so attached to their partner and can be too forgiving.
